While it’s not typically talked about, free time to create a better, more efficient HR department doesn’t exist! While this is not news as HR departments are typically ran extremely lean and are looked upon as overhead instead of a profit center, it is the truth in almost all cases. It’s not hard to understand why from a strictly financial …
HRIS – 4 Mistakes to avoid
The world of HRIS Software is a huge one. You can find companies who have been in the industry since its inception, and others who are just getting into it with the promise of the next best option. All of these voices scrambling for attention sometimes make it hard to figure out exactly where to start or how to find …
Seven Steps Buying HRIS
Buying or upgrading your company’s HRIS Software is not a task you can complete within a few days or even a few weeks’ time. The process can take several months, possibly even a year, because you want to make sure you’ve done all your due diligence and looked at all the best options possible before you actually sign on the …
3 Questions Before Purchase
You’ve reached the stage in your buying process where you’ve started to pick out HRIS Software that looks appropriate for your business. Lots of questions and concerns have undoubtedly been raised and discussed by now, but more will always pop up until you end up actually plunking down the cash for your new program. However, the following are three questions …